The ACReSAL project is a multi-sectoral and multi-institutional scheme, covering Environment, Agriculture and Water.
It was designed by the Federal Government to combat desertification, restore degraded lands, and special ecosystems for agriculture and biodiversity conservation.
We are a World Bank sponsored project that aims to increase the implementation of sustainable landscape management practices in northern Nigeria and strengthen the country’s long-term enabling environment for integrated climate-resilient landscape management.
Our project has four main components: Dryland Management, Community Climate Resilience, Institutional Strengthening and Project Management, and Contingent Emergency Response. Through these components, we support various activities and interventions that improve the productivity, sustainability, and resilience of the landscapes and livelihoods in our target regions.

Dryland Management
Component A and it’s three subcomponents support:
- A planning process to prioritize major needed investments at a large-scale or landscape watershed level to address major drivers of desertification and land degradation in the Plateau.
- The investments will target the highest priority large-scale public investments as defined in the Watershed-level sustainable land and water management (SLWM) plans developed or/and redefined under this component.
- The investments will be managed primarily by government agencies (at the local level) and implemented through a combination of government agencies and contractors.

Community Climate Resilience
Component B aims to increase agro-climatic resilience at community and household levels by promoting locally adapted sustainable land and water management (SLWM) strategies and through climate-smart approaches to agriculture and natural resources management.
Most of the challenges of dryland management are bound to be found at the local level, where they constitute the day-to-day reality of communities and farmers. Communities need support to be more resilient and communities and households need targeted investments to put new approaches into effect.
In targeted micro-watersheds, this component will support the following subcomponents:
- Community strengthening
- Community investments

Institutional Strengthening and Project Management
Component C seeks to support the longer-term institutional and policy framework for integrated landscape management in Nigeria and support project management.
It includes investments to improve the enabling institutional and policy foundation for multi-sectoral integrated landscape management and climate resilience, as well as support project management through the improvement and support of capacity building, communication and monitoring and evaluation systems and activities.
Components C is comprised of two subcomponents:
- Institutional and Policy Strengthening
- Project Management