We work in the arid and semi-arid watersheds of the 17 local government areas in the state. The regions are under threat of desertification, flood, climatic variability and anthropogenic activities such as deforestation, extensive cultivation, overgrazing, high degradation of natural resources, poor agricultural productivity, increase poverty rates, an environment of fragility, conflict and violence, poor penetration of modern technology, weak institutional capacity, faulty irrigation systems, erosion etc.
As part of Governments commitment to the transformation of socio-economic lives and tackle the effect of Climate Change, a multi-sectoral project is being executed in the state covering Environment, Agriculture and Water to combat desertification, restore degraded lands and special ecosystem for Agriculture and biodiversity conversation. Our project aims to restore the natural resources, improve availability of water and ecosystems that support the livelihoods and well-being of millions of the Plateau people.