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Agro-Climatic Resilience in Semi-Arid Landscapes

DryLand Management

This component will implement integrated watershed management planning and addresses challenges of large-scale watershed degradation in northern Nigeria

Community Climate Resilience

Most of the challenges of dryland management are to be found at the local level, where they constitute the day-today reality of communities and farmers. Communities need support to be more resilient and communites and households need targeted investments to put new approaches into effect. In targeted microwatersheds

Instititutional Strengthening and Project Management

This component includes investments to improve the enabling institutional and policy foundation for multisectoral integrated landscape management and climate resilence, as well as support to project management

Contingent Emergency Response

A Contingent Emergency Response Component (CERC) is a financing mechanism available to Borrowers in Investment Project Financing (IPF) operations to enable quick deployment of uncommitted funds to respond to an eligible crisis or emergency. An operations manual will describe in detail the implementation arrangements for the emergency response mechanism


People supported.


Projects Carried Out
Duration and Objective

ACReSAL is a Six-year term project committed to landscape restoration on the Plateau

State Project Coordinator(SPC)

Gowon Garba Gonkol
Our Mission

Our mission is to increase the implementation of sustainable landscape management practices in targeted watersheds in Plateau state and strengthen Plateau’s long-term enabling environment for integrated climate-resilient landscape management.


Management Team

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Mr. Gowon Garba Gonkol

State Project Coordinator. Project planning, task assignment, timeline management, resource..

Mrs. Rose T. Wannang

Head Project Financial Unit . Budget planning and development, financial..

Mr. Matthew Bawul

Communications Officer. Developing communication strategies, brand management, digital communications.

Engr. Stephen E. Machack

Project Engineer. Site assessment, infrastructure planning, resource optimization, technological integration,..

Mrs. Lydia S. Bakfur

Project Accountant. Financial recordkeeping, budgeting and forecasting, financial reporting and..

Mr. Dashihat Geoffrey

Social and Livelihood Officer. Community engagement, livelihood development, social impact..

Mrs. Naomi Nandang

Monitoring and Evaluation Officer. Tracking and assessing project progress, data..

Mr. Kut N. Fon

Head of Administration. Managing resources, facilities to optimize organizational efficiency,..

Mr. Nanbal Hassan

Environmental Safeguard Officer. Ensuring compliances with environmental regulations, conducting environmental..